Opening your home to strangers can be daunting. Understandably so, as dozens of people touring your personal space, judging its value and asking difficult questions can be stressful even for those who’ve gone through it before.
But what’s worse? Nobody showing up at all.
This can be extremely demoralising, but luckily it’s easily avoidable if you put in enough work beforehand to get the word out. To make sure you’re not left twiddling your thumbs at your next open home, we’ve whipped up five useful tips for doing just that.
Everything’s going digital these days. It’s no surprise that World Bank data shows that 83 per cent of Australians have internet access. That’s not to mention those accessing the internet via mobile.
By not advertising online you’re cutting out at least half of your audience and limiting the reach of your efforts. If you’re getting help with your open home, make sure that you real estate agent is making full use of the best channels to reach as wide an audience as possible.
if you’re taking charge of the marketing yourself, it’s time to start researching!
Getting social with your marketing could be the key to reaching thousands more potential buyers at minimal cost. A 2016 Sensis social media survey revealed that 95 per cent of respondents used Facebook at least once this year, so it’s clear that these platforms have the potential to easily reach the masses.
Something as simple as sharing your home’s listing and viewing times on your own account, or on relevant groups, could provide the boost that you need and reach the person that eventually buys your home.
Your first instinct might be to keep your open home a secret from your neighbours. Perhaps you’re a tad self-conscious showing them through or maybe they’re a bit too nosey.
Contrary to what you may believe, your neighbours can actually be one of your biggest assets when getting people to your open home.
No one has more of an incentive to attract people to your neighbourhood and your home after all (except for maybe your real estate agent). Let your neighbours know, and they may just invite friends or family who are looking to buy.
Your home’s first impression on people is about more than just the property itself. Potential buyers will subconsciously form an impression of the home based on things which might seem completely irrelevant.
For example, it’s worth considering little things like what’s parked out front. If you’re getting around on a dirt bike, or in a beaten up old work ute then this could put buyers off. If it’s rubbish day and trash is piled on the bottom of driveways along the street, this too could create the wrong impression.
As silly as it may seem, buying a home is an emotional decision and such little things sometimes matter more than you’d think.
As you can see there’s a thing or two involved in arranging a successful open home.
If you’re not a hundred per cent sure how to get the most out of yours, hiring professional help will give you peace of mind (not to mention help make sure you sell!).
For example a professional stylist can help make sure that your property makes the best possible first impression. On the other hand letting a local real estate can help you with the marketing and organisation side of things, drawing upon experience and local knowledge to get you the best results possible.